Birds Fly
Equestria Noire Detective Cole Phelps sacrificed himself, being carried away by a flood. Where did it lead him? by PonyManne215 48,164 words · 343 · 20
Carmine and Carmine Anthony and Benjamin both died. Will they still have a need for violence in Equestria? by PonyManne215 42,994 words · 270 · 9
My Little Dashie: Fourth Times the Charm These. These are my final years with Dashie and on Equestria. by PonyManne215 31,300 words · 367 · 41
The Magic of the BLU Sandvich with RED Bonk! Members of BLU and RED go to Equestria. Look at all the blood, the guns. Just look at all the hats! by PonyManne215 24,176 words · 191 · 13
For the Overlord! After escaping the Abyss without their master, the imps of the Overlord seek to bring him back. by PonyManne215 48,350 words · 518 · 34
These are the stories that I have slaved over for more than one day.
Sun Shines
Grass Grows
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Darn shame too. This was one of the first stories I ever read on this site.
I think this fimfiction user be dead
The commentor. His avatar was literally a troll. And while I realize that alone dose not make him an actual troll, his comment makes it clear.
1241497 who the author or the commentor?
he's a troll. Enough said.