Story Progress · 2:26am Feb 3rd, 2017
Gambler's Respite-Chapter 1-50% done (Last updated 9/23/20)
Total Word Count: 3,635
Since the last time I've updated this blog I've went ahead and cancelled Gambler's Respite. My planned rewrite is something I never followed through on, I might uncancel it in the future if I ever feel like writing again but that's highly unlikely.
Thanks for the follow!
Glad to see you're enjoying Displaced into Nothing, and I hope to get another chapter out soon!
Thanks for Favoriting and Liking Skeletor, Master of The Empire! I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far!
Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, awesome possum!
Admiral Snuggles appreciates your support
Looking through my own comment section I found myself to be kind of a dick at points