• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 11th


I'm just a simple guy who got into ponies. Nothing more, and nothing less.


Update · 4:44am Apr 27th, 2015

Alright, I know you've all been waiting for the next chapter of the King of Angels. But to be honest, I've lost a lot of interest in writing it. And the more I look over it the more I feel unsatisfied with it. So I'm going to ask you what you think I should do. I see two options for me.

1. Continue writing the story (the next chapter will probably come out sometime mid-May, when I'm off school)

2. Do a complete rewrite of it.

Report Wheenesss · 1,008 views ·

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Comments ( 45 )
  • Viewing 41 - 45 of 45

Plz do more chapters for your story this was a light at the end of a long dark hole for me and naw it’s cancelled please people love your work and we would greatly appreciate some more chapters

Oh nevermindI hope you do redo it it has a lot of potential:pinkiesad2:

Can u continue/rewrite ur srory plis?

You got killed didn’t you? That... sucks.... man I hope your family is ok.

*Edited* February 11th 2018 11:53pm
Never mind just checked your favorites recently. Your account is very much alive..... cough.... wow..... fallen like George Lucas much? I mean I don’t want to judge but dam... no update on your blogs since 2015? While people are genuinely loving the worked you produced? I guess that can make sense if you have fizzled out passion? But really? Going out like THAT? :/ dam...

You could rewrite it. But that would take a long time, the end results would be good though. So I say rewrite it.

  • Viewing 41 - 45 of 45
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