• Member Since 1st Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen March 25th


Hi there, I own this account, so i'm 15 as of now and my writing is OK. Don't expect anything to good though. Unless you want to, not my decision to make...


*Waves to everyone awkwardly* · 6:05am Jul 25th, 2015

Hey guys, I made a new story. *does a jiggy dance*

It's displaced so if you don't like that kind of thing then you don't have to look at it. But that's not my decision;]

nothings been going on lately other then life... So wonderful of how it is


Report Normalguy · 358 views ·

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*Waves to everyone awkwardly* · 6:05am Jul 25th, 2015

Hey guys, I made a new story. *does a jiggy dance*

It's displaced so if you don't like that kind of thing then you don't have to look at it. But that's not my decision;]

nothings been going on lately other then life... So wonderful of how it is


Report Normalguy · 358 views ·