• Member Since 28th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 12th, 2021



The Plan Going Forward · 11:24pm Jul 12th, 2021

Now that I have announced my return, it's important I let everyone know where I am in life and what I am meaning to do. Before I get into any details, I want everyone to know that I love you all. Seriously. I haven't posted a single damm thing in... what? 4 years?! Something ridiculous. I genuinely thought this website would be nonexistent by now and I am pleasantly surprised to see that I'm wrong on that account. I thought everyone would've forgotten my stories but you haven't, and that means

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Comments ( 149 )
  • Viewing 145 - 149 of 149

Bro came back to life and then died ☠

RIP dear author

For your unknown, is pain upon the knowledge of us never knowing the end of your story...


The proper term for that is 'having a life'. Shit happens, all we can do is hope for scatman to be happy

What's up with this trend where authors disappear, and then just when readers come to terms with them being gone, they come back and make promises of some great return to form, only to disappear again? That's a special kind of cruelty.


  • Viewing 145 - 149 of 149
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