• Member Since 29th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 17th, 2017


Midwest Brony. Really appreciate critiques, especially if you catch grammatical errors. I'm far more used to prose and poetry than narrative, so any advice, hate mail, etc. is appreciated.

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Lots of stuff I should discuss... · 11:26pm May 11th, 2013

So yeah, I'm aware I haven't been very active in fanfic for quite a while. There's several explanations for this, but it really comes down to time. My job has been working me 70 hours a week and I'm too stressed to sit down and write in my free time. On a good note, I will be leaving this job soon and starting a new one mid-June, but this new job will be very time consuming, but far more rewarding than what I do now. My hooves have been equally busy in my free time with other things. There was

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Report PonIver · 747 views ·
Comments ( 58 )
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Author Interviewer

I wish you'd been in the fandom long enough to find yourself canonized. :C

Author Interviewer

Where you been? What you been up to lately?

572600 YOU ARE A HEAR LESS MONSTER!:flutterrage:

Hey man. Sup? Haven't heard of Gravity that much in time. Do you plan to go on with it?:rainbowderp:


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With thanks to Avlo Jack and all my readers!