• Member Since 6th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 17th, 2013

Raven Smite


I AM NOT DEAD!! · 9:33pm Apr 26th, 2013

Yes! surprisingly enough, I am still among the land of the living. And another great thing happened to day that actually prompted me to come here and post about it... I actually cracked open my dusty old draft journal and started writting a bit of what MIGHT be Chapter Four of the Apocalypse Chronicles... MIGHT!!! I still haven't even finished typing up chapter three... even though I promised it to you guys in time for Christmas... Oops! Anyway, I need to get back to work, so- feeling really

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Comments ( 11 )
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Thanks for the watch, mate.

Keep calm


brony on.

thanks for the Fav and the watch sorry if the story is a bit incoherent. Its hard to write a story for a mod that i play as carefully as possible

Thanks for the watch! Congrats on being awesome!:yay:

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