• Member Since 4th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 7th, 2018


Just one moderately funny guy who happens to be a brony, an anime nerd, and a gamer.Love & Tolerate


Welcome! · 3:59am Dec 23rd, 2012

Hey there anybody willing to listen. Apparently there's a fairly new member to our community here and they happen to be pretty close to a friend of mine. So if you could help them feel welcome we'd really appreciate it. You can find them at

Report High_Wind · 567 views ·
Comments ( 133 )
  • Viewing 129 - 133 of 133

Thanks for the fav.

Thank you for adding "Beggars can be choosers" to your favorites list. I hope that you will enjoy what is to come:pinkiehappy:

Thank you for the fav on The Monster of God

1735301 It is warplanes and tanks, sometimes in the same battle!

I've heard of tanks of war, but never of warthunder

  • Viewing 129 - 133 of 133
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