• Member Since 20th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


"By whose Order is Order, anyway?" - Thasper, Sage of Theare

Comments ( 118 )
  • Viewing 114 - 118 of 118

Ayo thanks for the favorite!

Thanks for the favorite of "The Greatest Performance". I know it is messy at times, but I do think I'm getting better at writing in general. I hope you enjoy it regardless of any glaring issues that slipped past me.

Please don't feel obligated to respond, but do you have anything in particular(Chapter, story elements, etc) that prompted you to favorite it?

That's for adding Stay Tuned to your favorites list. I means a lot to see you enjoy it so much :twilightblush:

Hey there, thanks for the faves.

Thanks for the faves.

  • Viewing 114 - 118 of 118
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