• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 34 minutes ago



All Effort, No Payoff · 8:01pm July 6th

This has been a difficult year for me, especially in terms of writing. Sun, Surf, and Sky took 50 days to finish despite it being less than 40k in length. And by this point, I think it’s because I have finally reached the point where the effort I put into writing The Lost Element is no longer worth the payoff.

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  • Viewing 232 - 236 of 236

True that. His lack of self-awareness is staggering.

Both are being silly and misguided. Let them eat each other.

I hold only contempt for those who think the only thing that makes or breaks a society is military might, but MIxmaster is no better.

When the time is right.

Hey yo my dude do you think you could put taming a tempest on this site that would be pretty cool if you could


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