• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Little Tigress

Pony in new tiger hoodie with little to no idea of what she's doing

Hi there!
Welcome to my page, feel free to leave a comment, check my stories (in the future will be more ) check my 'art' and stuff!

If you ever want to commission cover art or just want to chat, send me a PM. Despite my username, I don’t bite :raritywink:

Favorite random quote

Even stick figure sketches can make good cover art. They could be fitting art for a comedy or a dark/philosophical story about the nature of reality :pinkiecrazy:

Want some cover art?

Cover art I've made!

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Comments ( 237 )
  • Viewing 233 - 237 of 237

Happy New Year!

Hey! :twilightsmile:
I wouldn't know the exact reason, but these are my canvas settings:
1000px x 1000px
350 dpi
Hope it helps :twilightsheepish:

Sorry to bother you but how did you get your avatar so small while still being so crisp?

Just realized!! I'm so excited!! :raritystarry:

  • Viewing 233 - 237 of 237
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