• Member Since 15th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen Mar 17th, 2017


It Isn't Easy Being A Jester...


Mass Effect: Andromeda · 9:19pm Mar 12th, 2017



Report Jestro-Guy · 455 views · #masseffect
Comments ( 129 )
  • Viewing 125 - 129 of 129

2416724 thank you good sir:rainbowkiss:

Thanks for the follow. I'm already following quite a lot of people, but who's to say I can't follow more? *clicks follow button*

2414623 heh, that last bit made me laugh!

2414614 well he just lead me to you, I chose to follow you as everyone has a story to tell, also I'm a little high

2414612 no problem, and you too!

I'm guessing you followed me because of Hawaiians blog?

  • Viewing 125 - 129 of 129
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