• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen Jan 31st, 2018

Pastel Candy Candies

I was shattered, yet you picked up my broken parts. I was torn apart, yet you stitched me up. You never gave up, so neither will I.~ Pastel Candy Candies

About Me

I love my Onii-chan and Pen and anything sweet. I have MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) I'm pretty messed up yet I'm still loved. I'm depressed and I'm an insomniac, don't like it? Too bad, that's how I am.


~The Broken Marionette~ · 3:26pm Jan 31st, 2018

Uhm hello there..? So I was given the task to... inform.. you all of something. I thought that Nums would do it but I see how smooth that went. So about Candy(?) she's... not coming back... Candy committed suicide three months, eighteen days ago. I'm sorry.. I don't know. If you need to talk to me or have any questions I'm always on Quotev. My name is Marionette (The Broken Marionette) on there just so you know. I'm sorry, I really am. She was so sweet. Things got to her. The last thing

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Report Pastel Candy Candies · 1,697 views ·

My OC's Family · 12:26pm Jan 17th, 2017

Who I'm using as my new OC

From left to right, top to bottom: Skittles, Plush, Candy Corn, Jelly , Stuffie, Candy Cane, Gum Drop, Sugar Heart, Coco. Coco and Jelly are the moms and everypony but Plush and Stuffie (who are Candy's Best Friends) are Candy's big sisters.

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Report Pastel Candy Candies · 699 views ·
Comments ( 332 )
  • Viewing 328 - 332 of 332

It's been three years...I still think I could have done something more...I'm sorry...

You gave up... It's been over a year and I haven't thought about you once until now. I hope you find happiness in the next life or even if yo faked it, who knows, I do hope you find it somewhere. Cause everyone deserves happiness.

Heyo! Sorry was causing around, read Diary of a demon, liked it, I was hoping we could be friends. :)

cool dude, make sure to grab the beer

may I direct you to the entire conversation we had on discord before I proceeded to block you?

Do not talk to me or any of my friends here. Just go do whatever you're doing and leave us all alone.

  • Viewing 328 - 332 of 332
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Candy's Moods And Transformations

Being a daughter of Discord and having certain "blood relations" Candy gets things she call Mood-formations. She currently has eight Mood-formations. Demon Cat, Angle Cat, Nightmare, Bloodthirsty, Goddess a.k.a Alicorn, Cute n Cuddly, Insane, and Sugar Rush. I have a few pics of what she looks like for some of the Mood-formations.
Demon Cat
Angel Cat
Goddess/Alicorn (she turns back into a filly in this state and thats her pet Toothy who lives in the Everfree)
Sugar Rush