• Member Since 16th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 5th, 2023


A cheesy romance novelist who has devoted her life to writing. Story requests are currently closed.

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Blog Posts

  • 286 weeks
    Wow (do you want an update?)

    A lot of you apparently enjoyed What's Yours is Yours, But Twilight's Mine. I didn't expect this at all, but I still see people adding it to their favorites. I've been considering rewriting this story with better pacing. Would any of you be interested in this? Let me know in the comments below!

    1 comments · 283 views
  • 390 weeks
    Boyfriends and Their Stories

    Wow, it's been a while since I've made one of these. How are you all doing? Good? Good.......
    Recap below the break

    Read More

    1 comments · 539 views
  • 429 weeks

    Hey guys, it's been a while since I've said anything to you. Before you get worried, I'm not the one that's been bullied.

    I don't like asking for things, but I'd like to ask all of you to give Hopeful Soul some love. I want to make today better for him.

    Thank you in advance,

    2 comments · 521 views
  • 431 weeks
    Answer the question, please.

    Are any of my followers interested in a Spike x Ember story, or a story involving Ember in general? I have an idea for one, but since it's not my top priority, I'd like your opinions.

    9 comments · 454 views
  • 432 weeks
    ACM Ending

    As you all know, A Competition in Mortality will be ending soon. Even though the ending has already been written, I'm not sure I really like it very much. So now I pose a question: Would you prefer the story end here, continue as a sequel, or continue within the main story?

    Thank you for your imput,

    6 comments · 531 views

Welcome New Person!

I'm an aspiring author/singer. I hope to make the most of every day that I have, which means I over-extend myself a bit. If you have any questions about a specific characteristic about my writing, or if you just need a friend to talk to, feel free to comment on a story or PM me. I check this site religiously, so a reply shouldn't take that long.

Have a nice day!

Stories I've Edited

Comments ( 69 )
  • Viewing 65 - 69 of 69


Of course man. I enjoy your stories, and you carry a good discussion.


Of course man. I enjoy your stories, and you carry a good discussion.

Thanks for the follow!

2382878 You're wonderful. :yay:

  • Viewing 65 - 69 of 69
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