• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Subject 19

I believe that stories help us to ennoble ourselves, to fix what is broken in us, and to help us become the people we dream of being. Lies that tell a deeper truth.


Happy Independence Day! · 8:38pm July 4th

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My Family

Sisters: Arian Blaze, Poetry Motion
Brothers: MyLittleGeneration
Cousins I hate:
Cousins I love: TrainMan671
Grandfather: Smg065
The weird uncle: Silvadel
The weird aunt:
Favorite aunts: Infinity Shade
Favorite uncles:

About Me

I'm a 28 year old guy and live in Chicago. I started writing when I was 14 years old and have never stopped. I joined this site originally just to see if people would read and actually enjoy my stories. The stories I've written for this site started as minor side projects and now they've become my top priorities. Writing was originally a little hobby for me, but now it's become an addiction.

Comments ( 412 )
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Level Up! You have earned the Achievement: Thank you for having added High Score! to your favorites! Keep reading, I mean playing, if you want to grind to a 100 percent completion! :rainbowwild:

Thanks for having added my more.. Hmm, let's say mature romance story, The Return of Anon, to your favorites. I'll hope you you keep enjoying it. :heart::rainbowkiss:

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