Helping Hooves 559 members · 845 stories

What is this group?

Helping Hooves is exactly what it sounds like: a place where you can find a helping hoof to lend you a... well, to lend you a hoof.

Need help or feedback on your story? Are you new and need someone to show you around the site? Do you have a question about something, Fimfiction-related or not?

Anything you need, any question you have, post a comment and someone will help you out and answer you.

If you don't need help, you can always help others and respond to their questions.

Oh, and feel free to post stories here. I'd prefer if they aren't mature rated, but I can't really stop you.

We have another folder for stories called "review my story." If you post a story in there, then someone will (probably) review it. Please read the rules before posting.


Rule 1)
Obey the site rules at all times. If you have any questions about those, the site staff are the most qualified to answer. (No spamming, no nsfw links, etcetera.)

Rule 2)
Be nice, be respectful. Please try to remain civil at all times while posting or commenting in this group. Do not insult/flame other users. While differences of opinion can produce arguments at times, we would prefer for those arguments not to degenerate into something ugly. We're here to help, not hurt.

Rule 3)
If you post a thread asking a question, please don't delete the thread when you receive an answer. Other people may have the same question as you, so leaving the thread up will save everyone the time and trouble.

Rule 4)
Regarding the "Review my story!" folder: Please only add one of your stories at a time.* When your story has been reviewed, you may then add another. Don't add stories that are not your own to that folder.

*If the stories are sequels/prequels to one another, then you may add multiple ones. However, the stories will all be reviewed in the same post.

Policy upon breaking rules:

1st offenses will just be given a warning.

Linking to on-site Mature stories - Possible 1 day ban if the link is not edited within a reasonable timeframe.

Spamming - 1 day ban.

Being disrespectful - 1 day or 1 week ban, depending on severity.

Posting "nsfw" images/links - Instant permaban.

Repeated offenses will result in longer bans, from 2 weeks up to 1 month. Further offenses after 1 month ban will result in a permaban.

Any comment or thread that breaks these rules is also subject to deletion.

Admins and Contributors:


Sleepy Panda is the original founder of the group.

"Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man gamexpert1990. I'll be glad to help however I can."

"Ask away. If it has an answer, I'll give it to you."

Current Reviewer

Banner - Screenshot of the show, sourced from the MLP wikia, Raise This Barn page.

Icon - Helping Hoof's Cutie Mark [Request] by Lahirien from DeviantArt. (Used with permission.)

Comments ( 82 )
  • Viewing 63 - 82 of 82

Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 143k words  ·  121  19 · 1.1k views

Thank you for reading friends!

Help please ,Every time I try posting a new thread in groups I keep getting this message, You cannot perform this action any more right now.

Is there something I'm not doing right, or what?

Hey, I have a couple of stories that I would like to be reviewed:twilightsmile:. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer:twilightsmile:.

Can someone review my story even though it wasn't complete yet? I tried to place my story in the review folder, but it wouldn't let me.

Hello im new here im kinda new to writing but im english is not that good.

Comment posted by Star Shadow deleted Jun 13th, 2019
Comment posted by Star Shadow deleted Jun 13th, 2019

Okay, why not?

If anyone would like him to check someone's stories and evaluate them, just write to me ;)

1. English is my second laguage yet I’m still better. If you were actually in high school you would be held back.

2. You can’t know you are good at paleontology unless you actually get a job as a paleontologist. You can’t know you’re good at something you’ve never done.

You’re wrong. Everybody is different. Everyone has their own talents like my talent is paleontology.

No human teenager of who has lived in the US for 18 years has grammar that bad. You must be lying.

I'm not trying to be rude, but I am eighteen years old and I'm a human species, thank you very much. And, why do you say that "no one's going to be responsible for that trainwreck"?

A human. What are you? You don’t seem to be a human teenager.

:rainbowhuh:What the heck are you?

Proof? I have gotten no PMs, no warnings, nothing. Prove it.

Would you please stop talking to me like that? You can't force anyone not to edit/proofread someone else's story, and you'll get banned if you continue to antagonize me, got it?

Comment posted by annonymus deleted May 26th, 2018

no one's going to be responsible for that trainwreck

Comment posted by annonymus deleted Nov 22nd, 2019

Greetings I'm searching for someone to help me edit my fallout story.

  • Viewing 63 - 82 of 82