• Member Since 21st Jul, 2023
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Check out my stories and see if you like them. go on, I don't bite…


We follow a girl who live in a small town in Liverpool, fulfilling her dreams of playing football at the highest level until… Her path took a strange turn as she magically appeared at the magical lands of Equestria.

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 71 )

Seems solid, Can't wait for more

Liverpool vs Everton🔥

So I don't know if this is out of nowhere but what happened to her brother?

Imma be honest with you, I've got zero knowledge about football or soccer whatever you wanna call it. One thing I do know however is that this chapter was written really well so you better believe I'm gonna keep sticking around

Pretty cool to have a choose your own adventure deal, but if both choices don't end up in kinda similar ways the whole story could start to loose some of its coherencey.

Neat little peak into the future. Or is it the past? I'm assuming the green mare is the heroine but it's been a while since I read so I could be wrong.

"Are ya ready, Sis? I hope ya know I'm not gonna go easy on ya, kidda.” With a mischievous grin on his face, Jason playfully taunted Amelia, dressed in an old, worn-out grey tracksuit. His football boots were laced up and ready for action, and he held a ball at his feet, a playful challenge in his eyes. It was a familiar scene, one that often marked the beginning of their football battles. The air was filled with friendly competition as Jason prepared to showcase his skills, ready to engage in another spirited match with his sister.

Kiddo? I belive is what you meant.

Anywho looks like I definitely miss-remembered who the protag was. I agree with my previous comment, it still seems solid.
The sudden jump from describing a war torn world to soccer (or football) is kinda confusing but it could work to the stories benefit.

Kidda=Kiddo, just a different way we say it over in Liverpool. Also, the prologue will make sense as soon as you read chapter 11!

I think a different place and perhaps also time.

I approve your story. Hopefully there will be a conclusion to her victory.

Amelia hasn't won anything yet, BUT! She will get there and hopefully join the team she wants.

Wings… I HAVE WINGS!?!?!? “WHAT THE HELL IS GOIN’ ON!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!”

I gotta say…I am REALLY invested in this story so far! I haven’t played any sort of sport in a long time, but your vivid descriptions of every game take me back in the best ways. I really love Amelia as the protagonist. She comes off as very relatable in her desire to be the best and overcome the stereotypes associated with being a pegasus and a goalkeeper. She honestly kinda reminds me of me to be honest. I can’t help but have that same sort of drive for the stuff I do, and her feelings really do come across to the reader. I really do want her to succeed, and I’m rooting for her. Your passion for this premise really shines through with the investing descriptions and tone. Plus, the lore potential with Discord’s story and the mysterious force that brought Amelia to Equestria is very interesting to think about. I also want to compliment some of the interactive “choose your ending” type chapters you put. That’s actually very creative, and a great way of exploring multiple avenues, though if you plan to do more of these, I would suggest having more story differences in each outcome. All of the choices so far appear to end the same way, when the point of having these sort of interactive chapters is to showcase different outcomes to every choice. It’s just something I suggest you do if you plan to have more of these.

Overall, this is a really cool story with a ton of potential. Once I started reading, I could not stop. I keep wanting to know what happens next and I can’t wait until you update this further. Keep up the great work!

Aw thanks, it's little things like these that keep me going despite it being hard to be consistent.

That's probably what Amelia would have said yeah:rainbowlaugh:

Suddenly, a wave of loud cheers reverberated throughout the stadium, drawing their attention to the pitch. The Toffees, adorned in their vibrant lime green jerseys, crisp white shorts, and matching lime green football socks, emerged from the tunnel. They jogged onto the field with a sense of purpose, their heads down in deep concentration.

However, the euphoria of the cheers quickly transformed into a chorus of boos and whistles as the opposing team made their entrance. These players, dressed entirely in red, were met with a barrage of disapproval from the home fans. Undeterred, the away supporters responded with their own fervent chants, creating a spirited and electric atmosphere within the stadium. The stage was set for an intense clash between the Toffees and The Reds, sparking a palpable sense of anticipation among the spectators.

Well, there's your FIRST problem. The Reds are red... But the Toffees are green and white!:ajbemused:

There’s a reason for the colours of shirts and the names of the clubs, it's not random.

Ah, your'e from Britan I see.

Up the brits🤌

That day was none as the Match of Truce.

Wouldn't it be known not none

Amelia realised that her knowledge of hoofball, as they called it here - a term she found more appealing than 'soccer' - was rather limited. She found herself pondering over the rules of the game. Were the players allowed to use magic or fly during the match? Could there be more than eleven players on the field at any given time? The thought intrigued her.

Hold it, hold it. often you refer to therm as having feet, but you call this hoofball? I'm confuzzled.

It's another term ponies call it, please bear with me here😭. Also, COUNTER ARGUMENT! It's like Americans calling the NFL Football. At what point do the players kick the ball in the NFL?:rainbowhuh: So the same logic applies!… I think… I don't know, just go with it!

I've been reading this story and I think it's good keep up the good work

Ever since that loss a few nights ago, Amelia had to let off some steam by going for a run every morning as her ankle had fully recovered thankfully, just like she did back on her own planet. She would start off by jogging down the path to Ponyville, swing by the tree house, pass the bakery, through the market, over the bridge and stop at an open field on the outskirts of Ponyville. However, when she did her exercises, she noticed a few things about her new body. She was quicker on her feet, her senses heightened considerably and had better control of her balance, add that to the body she once had, and Amelia felt like she was at her peak fitness.

It should be noted that all P{onies -that including Unicorns, Kirins Pegasi (standard and lunar), and Earth Pones- have some things in common, which would typically set them right above humanity, at the top of the food chain. Like sharper senses, a boidy that can take a beating, a faster healing rate (recall that a broken wing had Rainbow Dash in the hospital for less than a week), magic, of course, a Special Talent for each one, and a -potentially- VERY long lifespan. Remermber that Granny Smith, for example, was right there when Ponyville was founded.

If you had to change species, you could do far orse.

Thankfully as she jogged along the street, pacing herself with each step, she had the pleasure of listening to her music through her EarPods from her old world, her steps matching with the beat. That’s how she kept her tempo, the fast flow of her music making her speed past ponies. Amelia’s style of music was aggressive, the flow fast and the beat booming in her ears. Along with the beat, the lyrics kept her drive going. The lyrics being egotistical, demonic, motivational, violent and… *cough, cough* lewd , Amelia dreads the day Fluttershy would catch her listening to such music but, it’s the type of music that puts her in the zone to excise and to block everything else out around her, the music she would listen to before a game of football.

Exercise, maybe?

“Sorry!” Derpy said once again, deciding to chase the letter was more important. Derpy continued to chase the letter, using her wings to go a little bit faster. When the wind decided to turn the corner, Derpy followed without hesitation. When Derpy turned the corner, she nearly got tangled with a group of dogs on leeches, being walked by Fluttershy who had a shocked look on her face.


Stop the dogs. None-cannon.

Stop the letter. Cannon.

Canon, on both counts.

No matter how her body screamed at her to stop, her core in a knot, to take a breather, she kept running for that God-forsaken letter, even to the point of coming side by side with Derpy. When Amelia looked over, Amelia was surprised to see Derpy thwarted, determined and pissed off like a seagull just nicked one of her chips. Amelia’s and Derpy’s eyes met momentarily, a mutual understanding between them as Amelia eventually overtook Derpy and just like that, Derpy’s running came to a halt, her body spent.

I don't think that's the right word, here. :applejackunsure:

Thwarted is just another way to say frustrated along with other meanings of course.

90+2’ NO GOAL! As the replay clearly showed, the ball had inadvertently struck Redsica’s arm during her move around the goalkeeper, leading to the goal being disallowed. The decision, while technically correct according to the rules, did little to lift the spirits of the Toffees' supporters or their team, who were still facing a significant deficit.

Thankfully as she jogged along the street, pacing herself with each step, she had the pleasure of listening to her music through her EarPods from her old world, her steps matching with the beat. That’s how she kept her tempo, the fast flow of her music making her speed past ponies. Amelia’s style of music was aggressive, the flow fast and the beat booming in her ears. Along with the beat, the lyrics kept her drive going. The lyrics being egotistical, demonic, motivational, violent and… *cough, cough* lewd, Amelia dreads the day Fluttershy would catch her listening to such music but, it’s the type of music that puts her in the zone to excise and to block everything else out around her, the music she would listen to before a game of football.

Ayy, Jet definitely has this in common with her.

Cute idea for a story involving a worldwide sport that many can learn to play.
May your creativity continue to run wild for all to enjoy!

Many thanks, friend. Football has been a passion of mine for a very long time and I thought, what better way to express my passion than through a story full of ponies?

"So, what's your name, kid?" Vinyl suddenly spoke, sparking up a conversation.

"Oh, me name's Amelia!"

"Amelia? Strange name... What does it mean?" Amelia looked up at Vinyl, tilting her head.

T: Acthually, (actually) Amelia is a Latin name, which can be translated as induthtriouth, thtriving ("industrious", "striving") and "work":twistnerd:

“Amelia, before we begin, I’d like you to meet a couple of ponies. This little firecracker here is my assistant and my younger sister, Applebloom. She’ll be assessing all aspects of your fitness.” Applejack introduced, playfully messing up Applebloom’s red hair, which Applebloom promptly swatted away. Following their sisterly banter, Applebloom offered Amelia a brisk wave.

“Hey!” Applebloom greeted, her Western drawl echoing Applejack’s, confirming their sibling relationship.

“My big sis has been chatting about you, and I was curious to see what the fuss was about. Is it true you’re aiming to be a goalkeeper?” Applebloom inquired, leaning in as her eyes scrutinised Amelia’s physique. Her attention primarily focused on Amelia’s arms and legs, prompting her to poke and prod various parts of Amelia’s frame. Caught off guard, Amelia stiffened in response to the sudden inspection.

Apple Bloom is two words.

As a writer, I've realized that character creation isn't exactly my strong suit and time consuming as I want to get the character just right. That got me thinking—why not involve my readers in the process? If you've got a character you've created or want to whip one up on the fly, I'd love to hear about it. Whether it's through comments or a private message, send your ideas my way, and let’s see how we can fit your OC into the world of "All Day, Everyday."

I've already used a few characters suggested by readers, and you'll get to meet them in the upcoming chapters. Your involvement could really spice up the story and bring some fresh perspectives.

Thanks for tuning in and being a part of this journey. I can’t wait to see what characters you come up with. Have a great one and happy creating!

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