• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Monday

Chrome Masquerade

Dashing do-gooder dog? Accomplished, affable aeronaut? Big-time brony? Lazy lackluster lackwit? You decide!

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Mildly Exasperated · 2:52am Last Sunday

Just today I'd gotten a gift card fromthe store because I wanted to buy something specific. It was supposed to be on special, so I figured that it would be good to get it before it was, you know, no longer quite so special.

After getting back home, I enter the code for it, look on the PS store...

And realize that I can't for the life of me remember what I wanted to get in the first place! :facehoof:

Report Chrome Masquerade · 19 views ·

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Comments ( 478 )
  • Viewing 474 - 478 of 478

Honestly, I do not even have lunch planned yet.

Oh okay cool and what are your plans for today?

Oh. You didn't specify. :ajbemused:
In a case like that...:twilightsheepish:

Their music is pretty good, but they aren't among my favourites.

Um I am talking about the singer

  • Viewing 474 - 478 of 478
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