• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen April 17th


A guy from switzerland who likes cheese, mountains and horse words.... lots and lots of horse words.


Addendum: Releasing the mega cringe :) · 11:42pm Nov 10th, 2021

As a little goodbye-present, so to speak, I re-released the first story I ever wrote on here. It's terrible, terrible garbage, but well, the long description already tells you everything you need to know about it.

Read at your own risk.

Report Orthoros · 572 views · Story: A new World ·

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Comments ( 37 )
  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37

Hi Orthoros I was wondering if I could adopt the "alicorn of music" story.

people who downloaded the story (like as an epub) should have the pictures, dont give up hope

I would love to answer that with a yes, but sadly, I do not. Reason being that the externtal hard drive I had the folder on commited sudoku, and the image host I had them on ceased it's flimsy existence. I managed to recover a few, but things like the map are forever lost, unless someone downloaded them, which wouldn't make a lot of sense to me :(

  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37
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