• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen April 17th


A guy from switzerland who likes cheese, mountains and horse words.... lots and lots of horse words.



On a fateful night, Alex wins the divine lottery and is approached by Hermes, an Olympian god. He is promised one wish, whatever it may be.

Alas, the encounter doesn't quite work out like he hoped it would.

Alex finds himself thrown into a world that is wholly unfamiliar to him. Gone are his dreams of meeting the mane six. He doesn't even have the luxury of keeping his human form.

Having to deal with an unfamiliar surrounding and a new body, this story follows him on his way to find his own place in this alien world.

Character tags will be added as they become relevant. Teen rating is mostly for some bloody scenes. (nothing too gory). Also, the prologue plays far off in the
future of this story and we won't be returning to that point in quite some time.

Join the Discord, where you can discuss the story, but also just make new friends!

Divine Universe, the FimFic group all about the Divine Entertainment universe!

Arrival Arc:
Chapter 1 - 9
23,198 Words

Journey Arc:
Chapter 10 - 28
48,381 Words

Scholar Arc:
Chapter 29 - 63
133,627 Words

Disclaimer: You may encounter several broken image links in the notes of this story... sorry.

Chapters (64)
Comments ( 2673 )
Comment posted by Azriel deleted Mar 3rd, 2017

I have to say this I'd one of the more original HiE fics I've read. Also really enjoyed the protagonist's view/reaction.

7026644 Thanks, having an original mode of transfer to Equestria was important to me. These days every HiE i read is either displaced, the human is already there or they just *poof*. Well i'm here now.

Interesting premise. Good to know you're not shying away from the absolute jackassery needed to pull off that kind of trick. Not to mention, pretty in line with some Greek myths in terms of characters. Urgh, the Greek pantheon really was something awful at times...

7044927 Yeah, at least with i'll never run out of gods to use, with how Zeus sticks his dick everywhere he shouldn't.

But aside from the initial situation, the gods won't turn up again for quite some time. Alex needs to get settled in first :D

I can't contain my excitement right now, I love this story. Keep writing, Orthoros!
I expect to see more of you~!

7058376 glad to hear you're this excited :D i try to update at least once a week, and up to chapter nine is written, so expect moar!

... Bad grammar every once in a while, but it doesn't detract or distract from the story. Yes, that can happen.
Also, interesting story.

7060406 Aye, I've seen it happen before... English is a second language to me, and I'm trying my hardest to get better at everything, from grammer to descriptions.


I'm building the ship...I will set sail with the ship as soon as it is done building.

7063570 I'm not responsible for any kind of rough seas or badly constructed ships. Please follow the safety regulations.

Beyond this point, ship at your own risk.

7063684 Next chapter a basilisk eats her and Alex loses his like for snakes
I know this, I'm from the future

What sea?
Oh, don't worry about the ship being sunk...It is not at all easy and if it do, I can make another in around 1 minute.
The shipping will not die!

Glad to see another chapter of this story got out. Can't wait for the next!
But I don't see a ship between these two, I don't think Atlas is... you know... going to do something regretful because of the immortality and all that.

7064451 Maybe it'll be a one sided love-mirror or whatever.
She may like him but he'll totally see her as just a little sister to chase around with snakes lol :D
"Too bad he won't use his snake once he catches me" :rainbowderp::trollestia:

7064126 Please, no spoilers for the non-time-travelling plebs (what he said is VERY true! I've already written the chapter after all. (Also, please send me all the chapters that are already out in the future... for research of course...))

7064193 Is that a challenge?

7064451 I don't see how immortality would stop alex from doing the vertical tango :rainbowhuh: Please elaborate.

7064478 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

7064577 I mean, if he is immortal and he gets a little.. TOO intimate with Vibrant, wouldn't that just make an impact on him in the future? or maybe he's thinking with his other head.. I'm not saying I don't want to see something go down between the lovely couple, if you know what I mean.*Nudge Nudge* They'd make a great ship if it weren't for the immortality factor.

7065419 well of course something like that would impact him in the future, but because hes immortal he has literally all the time in the world... spending like 70 years with his loved ones out of 10'000 seems like a good deal ^^

Not that i'm implying anything of course...^^

7065558 Heheh. The way things are going, I'd think they make a cute couple:heart:. Eh, continue writing

Is a romance possible too? I´m in mood for something like this again.
I wanted to start this story tonight, and if I like his personality too, I would be glad to have a romance in it too.

for far this is an interesting story, and it is great to see a story of BiE turn pony that arrives in Equestria before it was even made. I think that the guy was probably asleep a lot tonger that three weeks seeing that the pony seem to have past the Paleopony period( if it is a parallel to the paleolithic period on earth, before agriculture) and have agriculture, have a writing system, maybe even printing if a small time artist like Vibrant Color could afford a book about color theory, or more likely a cooking/ chemistry book on how make there own particular shade paint colors, and seeing that she does landscaping directly out side probably uses oils paint( instead of white egg yoke) which only be cam wide spread use in the early 18th century unless she does studies with watercolors before doing the actual painting itself. Plus, the bathroom toilet is probably still uses chamber pot to do their business instead of an out side latrine. I wander how Atlas managed to to create the rune system and it was use during the time he knew Celestia as well as to what function did the runes had in his hollowed-out mountain was it to keep him in staysess, or to monitor something or was it some sort of rune computer and for what purpose? after living for so many years I wander if Atlas view on things is that of a grouchy old man that has no patients with the yous, despite all the years of experience that he had had. I also wander if he has come to terms with his existence of being on this world and if he think that ponies are just constructs to interacts with that are not persons and that Celestia and Luna are the only ones deserving any interaction with for any length of time because of their longevity.

7067314 withou spoilering too much, the focus of this story isn't on romance at all, but it may pop up later on the side(much much later on)

7067633 As far as the correct placement in time goes, don't read too much into it. Scientific progress was always wonky in equestria, i basically just threw him in a pre-equestria era, where i'll decide as i go exactly what exists and what not.

Yes he slept "longer" than three weeks, the gods(more specifically kronos) sped up time around him until a certain point. I believe it was explained in zeus' letter. The three weeks that were mentioned is just the recorded timeframe, from where vibrant found him to his waking up.

On the topic of runes, that will all be explained in dur time, as well as the purpose of the giant rune array.

7067759 That´s okay, it doesn´t need to be the main thing in this story, maybe in a sequel or later in the story like you said.
Lately it just makes the whole thing more realistic for me if I only know it is possible.

Not bad, I keeped reading and didn't felt the need to rush through it, even if it still wasn´t MLP.

I think I would really prefer it for him to first find really good friends, maybe even one that he has to comfort very often. Most of the time it is always the main Char which has the big problems and all of the other characters are pretty much happy and confident about what they are doing. At least that is what I remember out of a few fanfictions that I more or less didn´t liked.

I'm a bit tired, which means don´t take me to seriously it is the first chapter anyway and so far I liked it.

7068691 I assure you, Alex will find friends... really, really important friends!

I wonder if Atlas can't ever use magic in anyway like that of a unicorn and that it will be the reason that he developed rune magic to compensate for it and I could imagine that he could take on Earth Ponies and Pegasus as apprentices.

“Why the fuck is it snowing? It’s April already…”

The snow crunched under the man’s feet as he made his way out of his workplace. A castle turned hotel atop of a hill, overlooking the quiet city. He was wearing a grey jacket and brown pants. A hat covered his short brown hair, and his goatee was woven into a mini braid held together with a bronze ring.
His mood didn’t take a turn for the better when he took his first look outside, only to find a swirling mass of white. He hated the cold winter and the snow it brought. Granted, it could be fun for snowball fights or skiing, but most of the time it was little more than a nuisance. As usual, the weather in April was being unpredictable. So with great annoyance, he started his journey home.

I think this might be the only appropriate time to put this up. Profanity warning, btw.

Make sure the purple alicorn is with you.

because? That would sound odd to me, just reading it like that, but after living so long he is probably a bit special.

I might throw more chapters like this in between the arcs of this story.

That sounds like timeskips, not sure how much I would like that.

7070473 well, there are a lot of factors in play in this part. He writes purple alicorn because he obviously forgot about twilight, being alive for a few thousand years can do that to you. He just assumes celestia knows her because he's sure that she's keeping tabs on all alicorns. Celestia doesn't find this letter too odd, considering it fits how he usually does things ^^

As for timeskips, don't worry to much. This will propably be the only big jump, although there will come a time where the timeframe will jump around a bit because i'm definitely not plannin on writing about thousands of years in close detail xD

(Just between us... this story failed moderation for not bein mlp enough without this chapter...)

Ooohhhhh no, not a future/past switching, I hope the story has something like a red line to follow.

A long life? That deal he would have made instantly. One or two hundred years added to his lifetime would be amazing. So much time to explore and experience new things. But immortality? No. Doomed to wander the earth for all eternity, watching loved ones come and go, all the while being denied the pleasure of one's own final rest? What else could this be but a curse?

I probably agree with him.

“Oh by Faust! You’re awake! You actually woke up! I was just sitting downstairs when I heard this loud noise, and then someone screamed! Was that you? I came as fast as I could! Are you okay? What happened? Do you need any help?”

I got used to it, but I can´t help it completely yet. It starts to get annoying after a while to always have her in a go position.

Okay maybe I missunderstood something but that nearly sounded like he either is in her house, or she is living in his home for the moment.


You are currently in the guestroom of my house.

He's in her house :twilightsmile:

loud noises usually attract people within earshot, especially when their coming from the direction of a comatose stallion :twilightsheepish:

for the way this story will go, refer to my earlier comment reply i sent you

I like this story, I´m just a bit distracted by the traineeship I maybe have to do next month. That means my commenty probably suffer in their quality from time to time.

Alex let his face fall, like he was disappointed that Lucky couldn’t help him out.

I´m more or less suprised he really thought they could tell him something, did he thought Hermes was just eating something in the local saloon before he was leaving him where Vibrant had found him?
7070501 I´m mostly happy with how the story turns out, it´s one of the only good things I got to read at the moment. I'm still getting rarely any new updates for other storys, even if I have so many.

I guess I was just curious why he wanted to see Twilight, but yes I accepted his personality in that chapter.
I hope if the story is reaching the timeline of the storys, that the timeskips aren´t needed anymore.

Not sure how I just explain this, but I think this story would be even better for me, if I woulnd´t be so nervous because of my work, or how the situation is at the moment. Nothing to bad, but could be better. Not sure how the word is for what I´m doing at the moment, but I have to do a traineeship, and they still decide if I get the chance.

It is more or less the problem that I rarely get the chance to even try to show them how good I am at work, since it seems hard to get something in what I want to do. Well I stop for now, I just wanted to explain why the comments maybe could lack some excitement.

Oh and I hope if we should continue what happened in the first chapter, that he doesn´t care for treating them like royalty and stuff like that.
Somehow since he seems to be somehow important in the first chapter, I wouldn´t like it if he would bow to Twilight or Celestia, mostly because he already lives that long and is pretty much her friend. (That is really the main reason, but then again I have seen that happening to often and would like it, if he would maybe schock Rarity and maybe some others that way while being not impressed by royalty. I mean at least not for the rank itself.


Alex let his face fall, like he was disappointed that Lucky couldn’t help him out.
I´m more or less suprised he really thought they could tell him something, did he thought Hermes was just eating something in the local saloon before he was leaving him where Vibrant had found him?

Not sure if you catched it, but this part of the conversation was mostly an act. He isn't disappointed bacuse there is no info on Hermes, rather that there is has no info on his "fake" inquiry.

I assure you he doesn't care for their royalty.

7070590 Well I wasn´t sure about that, for am moment I thought that he might wanted to do it that way, but I couldn´t decide if that would make sense, I guess my first guess was right, but thank you for making it clear.
I guess his act was a little bit to weird for me to believe it in the end.

Sooo Ehh my name is alex and this is wierd for me to read XD

Another good chapter, can't wait for the next! Keep working hard Orthoros! And good job to Ambros for proof-reading.

Another one, please! :heart:
Another one...
Another one...
Another one...

7070747 I can fix that :P

7072071 Thanks, and thanks from ambros too! (i guess? i haven't asked him *shrug*) Be sure to check out his own story, he just managed to get featured yesterday! (I feel challenged to accomplish this too now!)

Hmmm...It seems they are about to part ways....THE SHIP SHALL NOT DIE! A named character like her won't be thrown away so easily.

“Why the fuck is it snowing? It’s April already…”

The snow crunched under the man’s feet as he made his way out of his workplace. A castle turned hotel atop of a hill, overlooking the quiet city. He was wearing a grey jacket and brown pants. A hat covered his short brown hair, and his goatee was woven into a mini braid held together with a bronze ring.


His mood didn’t take a turn for the better when he took his first look outside, only to find a swirling mass of white. He hated the cold winter and the snow it brought. Granted, it could be fun for snowball fights or skiing, but most of the time it was little more than a nuisance. As usual, the weather in April was being unpredictable. So with great annoyance, he started his journey home.

Lemme guess, you live in Ohio too?

Aww, those two are sweet... SHIP IT LIKE UPS!!! :pinkiecrazy:

Put this to good use please! :twilightsmile:

7073215 Oh, let's make sure the author won't throw her away... if you get the rope, I'll get the Chloroform, fair trade?

7073434 Yeah, man.
Hang on a minute, let me get my magical rope...
Ok, I got it. Now we only need a reason and a plan.

7073445 Don't worry, I've been doing this for years. Since I've got the experience, I'll get 'em from behind, while you chat with him to keep him distracted. After that, I'll toss him into the back of my Ford and pull the tarp over the truck bed. We'll have three hours to get him to the rented out storage unit and tie him up. We'll have to park a block away from the storage unit depot, so no one gets our license plates on camera, and we'll have to carry him in a crate. Probably be best to give him paper to write down on, since we don't want him to alert family on the media. Which reminds me, bring masks so he won't be able to identify us. And we'll have to take shifts getting snacks too, would look too suspicious if one guy came in as a regular, constantly getting bulk supplies.

Chamber pots would be a preferred commodity, as I don't want the place smelling like shit. We want to break out some chapters, not break his psyche. And see if you can scrounge some people up for more than a two man team, but we can't have any more than four. Just enough to prevent Stockholm syndrome from settling in. To make sure he doesn't squeal for help, one of us has to be there at all times to keep an eye on him, while the other scrounges up cash and snacks. I'll take night shifts, since that's what time I'm usually up at. Once he's written out a few chapters, we Chloroform him and drop him off at a park nearby late at night. Again, park at least a block away, and carry him in a box.

7073215 didn't we already talk about this? Vibrant gets eaten by a giant basilisk and dies ^^ don't you remember?

7073494 that was completely pointless and over the top... i love it :moustache:

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