• Member Since 26th Feb, 2012
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You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it write.

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I am a slooooow writer · 5:03pm Oct 16th, 2022

This final draft is diverging a little from the previous one, so I need to rework some chapters (especially in this middle chunk). Going to break with the weekly posting structure and start putting the chapters up when they're done. The next one still needs a bit more work, so look for it sometime this week or next--sorry for the delays, but the weekly/biweekly schedule is starting to get a bit stressful. Going to take it a little easier and take my time on these so that I'm not rushing any

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Report DSNesmith · 195 views · Story: Thicker Than Water ·
Comments ( 35 )
  • Viewing 31 - 35 of 35

Aw, thanks! I'm still working on the next one. Been busy with some career stuff so I haven't updated the blog lately, but I've gotten a chapter or three done since the last.

I just reread The Age of Wings and Steel for the first time in years, still enjoyed it. Cheers!

Comment posted by Fabian Corcair deleted Feb 3rd, 2017

I've just found Wings and Steel, and so far, it seems good. I am surprised to see the low number of views for it. You should promote it more by adding it to various groups.

  • Viewing 31 - 35 of 35
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