• Member Since 6th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2015

Cystenian Remir Rhys

Welcome, my good fellows.

Stories of My Own


How busy have I been? THIS BUSY. · 12:48pm Jan 25th, 2015

Jeez, I've been neglecting my pony. Couple of excuses for this:

1. Moving is nightmare, especially when all your roommates prefer drama to actual helping with, you know, that pesky packing and moving thing.

2. Real life, as much as I can hate aspects of it, is what it is. And I can't halt everything and pony on down, even thought I might wish it.

Anyway, couple of weird little pronouncements here on my end of the odd little Internet:

>New stories coming around.
>More blog posts.

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Report Cystenian Remir Rhys · 430 views ·
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Thanky kindly for the follow good sir, here's hoping Collie of the Wild continues to impress.

Hi guy who used to have a velociraptor... t-rex avatar thing.

Thanks for the follow?

Hi, I like muffins! Do you like them too? :pinkiecrazy:

Random follow day, now is everyday (WOW!!) Feel free to return it (Or not...)

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