• Member Since 21st Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 14th, 2019


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A very random update with a question. · 10:40pm Feb 9th, 2019


It is me, from like, a long time ago. I have some stuff to talk about. A lot happened to me during the away times. I lost touch with the fandom but I still had thoughts to continue due to the narrative i was creating. Nowadays I realize that i dont know what to feel anymore. I just wanted to check how many people are still awaiting a continuation of Pegazo Vampir Equinae.

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Report Gecko · 1,018 views · Story: Pegazo Vampir Equinae · #Rainbow Dash
Comments ( 11 )
  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11

nice work on your stories and my most fav is the rainbow/twivampony story

Vill du ha en utmaning? Jag vet att du läser snabbt och om du lycka läsa denna historia OCH ALLA dess uppföljare. Så har du läst de LÄNGSTA fanfic som någonsin GJORTS. över 4,000,000 ord lång totalt. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/48755/Moonrise lycka till M :pinkiesmile:
PS jag har inte kommit till att läsa din historia ÄN men jag kommer till det. Jag lovar.

Hehe bra jobbat "M" ;)


when will you comeback to your vamp, dash X twi fic

I hope you have a wonderful Holiday, Gecko! :rainbowkiss:

  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11
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