...The hell am I getting myself into? · 2:12am Feb 2nd, 2013
Okay, so I decided to go look at some of the authors I follow to see what other stories they've written. What I didn't know was that I would've wound up favoriting 20+ stories. ...Shit, well I am going to just do my best and read. After all, Stephan King said that in order to become a better writer you need to read...a lot. So here's hoping and praying that it works out well for me. Arivederti bitches!
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No comments in six months? Fixed.
Hey swiftstriker21. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the favorite! It's really appreciated as I love to see when people are enjoying my work.
Also, I'll just let you know there's more where that came from, so keep an eye out...
Thank you for faving 'Chaotic Love'

I'm glad you enjoyed my story Hey Diddle Diddle, A Visit From Fiddle.