I HAD A STROKE! · 10:12am Nov 18th, 2014
No seriously! A full on stroke. Went to hospital and everything.
Was not fun.
Also, strokes tend not to have as much flailing as you'd think. More like twitching uncontrollably.
But I'm okay now! Mostly.
I am that I am, and nothing more. I will exist as I am, or not at all. And I really, REALLY hate insects and arachnids.
No seriously! A full on stroke. Went to hospital and everything.
Was not fun.
Also, strokes tend not to have as much flailing as you'd think. More like twitching uncontrollably.
But I'm okay now! Mostly.
Then watch a show called Spider Riders. It should do to you what most horror movies do to the rest of us.
Thanks for the fav!
Thanks for faving "TCB: Setting Things Right"!
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Once again, thanks!