• Member Since 7th Apr, 2012
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Dramatic Reading plz? · 9:51am Sep 9th, 2020

So I know it's vain as hell, but i frequently go back and reread my own fics. With repeated exposure of the same text to my eyes no longer doing it for me, I crave stimulation for my ear holes. Way way back I got a couple readings of Pinkie Pie is an Eldritch Abomination and always found it weird that THAT was the one that got the attention. It's definitely a...rougher example of my work (I wrote it in 2 hours procrastinating on a chapter of Then Tomorrow Came).

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Report PonyAmorous · 312 views ·

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Dramatic Reading plz? · 9:51am Sep 9th, 2020

So I know it's vain as hell, but i frequently go back and reread my own fics. With repeated exposure of the same text to my eyes no longer doing it for me, I crave stimulation for my ear holes. Way way back I got a couple readings of Pinkie Pie is an Eldritch Abomination and always found it weird that THAT was the one that got the attention. It's definitely a...rougher example of my work (I wrote it in 2 hours procrastinating on a chapter of Then Tomorrow Came).

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Report PonyAmorous · 312 views ·
Comments ( 28 )
  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28

Oh, you're right! Well, it's fixed now, thanks


Even after all these years, I still love seeing comments and feedback on my stories. Then Tomorrow Came was my first fanfic, and the process through which I really found my writing style. At one point long ago I went and gave the first chapter a bit of polish to better match the quality of the rest (why chapter 1 has a later post date than some following chapters, though that has been endlessly altered by occasional typo fixes discovers down the line), but you can still see a pretty big change from there to present.

Though I think your link is broken as it directs to the story and not your review post.

Hey! I really like your story Then Tomorrow Came, so I decided to write what I thought about it. If you're interested, here it is

Write more stuff with Wallflower or I will fill a water balloon with expired tomato soup and throw it at your window.

  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
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