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How To Lose a Month of Your Life · 6:25am Sep 11th, 2016

Right off, just to keep everything straight, this is not a post of alarm, or apology, or even pity. This is a - very abridged - account of everything that happened in the last month as a way of explaining why I haven't logged in, checked in on authors, or emails, let my editing and correspondence fall by the wayside across this site and others, etc. It's not cause for alarm because things are more stable now. It's not an apology because given a similar set of circumstances I'd be making the

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Everything okay? Two or three letters will do if you're super-busy. I'm just getting a bit worried that something's wrong. :applejackconfused:

If there's anything you wish you give me advanced notice on, either to read or give comments or both, I'd be happy to receive them. Thank you for the offer. My PM box is always open for any link you want to send.

And yes, I did find the ending to Maternal Instinct satisfying. I've since added the story to my "favorites" folder so I can read it again all in one go.

Glad to hear you had a happy and healthy holiday! Enjoy your weekend and I'll talk to you next time.

1597876 Well, that's great to hear that you had a great time. Mine was good too - spent it with the family: great gifts, great dinner and I watched Frozen for the first time. I'm glad to have seen it at least once.

Well, I'm confidant you'll find it a satisfying conclusion.

It's alright, mate, I assure you there's no rush, especially since I've dedicated most time to wrapping up Maternal Instinct. And thank you, I've really been planning this new story ahead and am going to very much enjoy writing it - it's a raunchy comedy with a nice heaping dash of politics of course. If you'd like me to note you the details, I'd be more than happy to share them with you. If not, that's cool.

And thank you. I wish you and your family all the best as well.

Thank you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too. For my own holiday, there was lots of traveling involved. My wife's family live in Texas so we're always halfway across the country at the end of each year. I hope yours was filled with friends, family, lively singing, delicious food and lasting memories.

That's great news about Maternal Instinct. I'll be sure to finish the last chapter when I have a chance. I'm very interested to see how you handle the denouement.

As for Citizen Weevil, I know I owe you edits for the final two chapters still. I do apologize about such a long wait, and I'll be getting back into them so don't have to wait much longer. Then you can submit it to EQD again and start cranking out more content. And with that in mind, good luck with your next story. I saw that you were teasing it on your blog, so I'll be sure to keep my eyes open for when you further update us on it. My best to you and your family.

Hey mate, how are you doing? I hope you had a great Christmas and a good start to the new year.

I'm also happy to tell you that I've now finished Maternal Instinct, though you may be aware of that by now. This is good news, since now I can focus more on Citizen Weevil and a new story I've got cooking up, which I'll be more than happy to note you if you'd like.

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