• Member Since 18th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 2nd, 2014


I throw parties and everyone is invited to them. But please, leave your shoes at the door.

Current Projects

Stop in and be up to date on projects that I'm doing! This includes projects you're about to see, projects you're already seeing, and so on.

And That's How Ponyville Was Founded- Type: multi-chapter | Tags: Adventure | Characters: Granny Smith | Development: Concept

Pink Umbrellas- Type: multi-chapter | Tags: Romance, Slice of Life | Characters: Fluttershy, OC | Development: 5%

Dreams are Made of Little Wooden Houses- Type: one-shot | Tags: Sad | Characters: Spike | Development: 5%

These Are Words

  • EThe Collection
    A ludicrous fiction done with the likes of bookplayer, Future, sparkfyre, xjuggernaughtx, KrazyTheFox, and KitsuneRisu. This story works in the same way a game of 'telephone' works. Things can only go so well...
    Churchy · 7.5k words  ·  32  0 · 607 views

Stories · 2:38am Feb 9th, 2014

Eh, so I'm really struggling in the "story idea/story writing" department, as in, I really don't feel like writing at all and it feels like a burden.

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