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- Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Spike go to the Kingdom of the Otters were the younger ones get involved in an adventure with a new friendRated Ponystar · 5k words · 33 0 · 1.1k views
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Why Am I Crying? The CMC each deal with their emotions when their hated enemy, Diamond Tiara, dies in an accident by Rated Ponystar 64,552 words · 1,590 · 37
Treating Her Right Rainbow Dash treats Applejack to a date. by Rated Ponystar 11,622 words · 1,783 · 57
The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle Twilight is killed and Celestia tries to recover from the loss by Rated Ponystar 13,900 words · 1,795 · 78
Aftermath of a Fallen Star The aftermath of Twilight's assassination, and the lives she touched who must now move foward into a future without her by Rated Ponystar 100,829 words · 1,529 · 92
Negotiations Equestria and Earth must negotiate peace talks after the former's defeat in war by Rated Ponystar 4,565 words · 3,166 · 209
One Thousand Or More Likes (Cont.)
Reunited Five years after the events of Negotiations, Twilight Sparkle tries to reunite her friendship with Fluttershy who joined humanity in the war. by Rated Ponystar 3,453 words · 2,135 · 84
Enkindled Hearts Spike and Fluttershy tell Twilight how they became a couple by Rated Ponystar 37,587 words · 1,148 · 57
Truth Before her execution, Princess Twilight goes to Celestia to find the real truth behind the reason Equestria came to Earth. by Rated Ponystar 4,335 words · 1,757 · 105
Never Forget Me It had been a year since Twilight had heard of anything from Trixie since the Alicorn Amulet incident. Unexpectedly, she receives a letter saying that her so called "rival" has tragically died and is requested to be at her funeral. by Rated Ponystar 3,794 words · 1,227 · 24
Useless The Equestrian Freedom Fighters are finished. The Humans are closing in for the final kill. Applejack drinks as she waits for the end while thinking on how she lost everything in the war against humanity. by Rated Ponystar 3,155 words · 1,509 · 71
I also write comics, have a few series going on, and commission comics. Check me out on Deviant Art.
Give me a PM if you want to work with me on something.
Ok, that's understandable. Personally, I want to see the MLP characters reactions to centain races of Warhammer 40k, especially to the Orks or the Imperium of Man or the whole idea that there is a girm dark universe where there is only war. I swear the deep lore can get pretty dark and way out there at times.
I am not sure what happens after. We’ll see
Hello, and salutation, Rated Ponystar. First off love your stories. Very well done work. Especially negotiator verse.
Anywho. I was just wondering, since you have the Student Six watched the lore vids of Fallout and Elder Scrolls. I was hoping if there would be any possibility for a separate series having them watch lore vids of Warhammer 40k or the Dark Souls series.
Finish with Sanguine Kindness which was really good! Are you going to make a sequel or a side story? Because I like to see more monsters in verse
I wonder if the Student Six watch The Armchair Historian.