• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Rated Ponystar

"You think you know me..."


This story is a sequel to Student Six Watch Fallout Lore: The Storyteller Series

The Student Six had finished learning about The Wasteland and were ready to head to Sugarcube Corner for a snack before doing their assignment. However, they find themselves not only trapped in the room with no way out, but stuck in an alternate dimension caused by a powerful being who calls himself Sheogorath, The Daedric Prince of Madness.

For his own amusement, he's brought them here to learn about his own dimension and he has no plans on letting them go until he's had his fill of fun. With no other choice, the Student Six sit down and prepare to learn about Nirn, Tamriel, her history and races, and access to lots and lots of cheese.

The Elder Scroll Lore series belongs to ShoddyCast and Elder Scrolls itself belongs to Bethesda.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Negotiations


It's a tale as old as time itself.

A wonderful individual of many faces, a handful of adventurous companions, and a seemingly inconspicuous blue police box.

This time, the Doctor finds himself in a dimension not his own, in familiar lands more alien than the planet he appeared on. Dropped smack dab in the middle of the Conversion War, it's up to him and his new friends to put a end to Celestia's mad ambitions before they can be realized. But the Doctor is no stranger to conflict, and Equestria will learn exactly why he is known as the Oncoming Storm...


*An Alternate Universe story and crossover with Doctor Who for the Negotations-Verse series. Originally posted in Choice, it was decided to make it its own story after suggestions from readers as well as discussions between me and zelkova48.

Please help out at the Negotations-Verse TV Tropes Page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheNegotiationsVerse

Chapters (17)

Despite having retired from the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash and her teammates are still regarded as one of the greatest Wonderbolt teams in history. Attending a convention for sports and athletes, the group prepares to greet their fans when they soon learn that another famous group is attending the convention with a booth right next to their own: The Washouts. Led by their founder and also retired stunt pony, Lighting Dust.

Naturally, old rivalries are lit up as the two groups soon make a bet to see who can get the most fans at the end of the convention with the loser buying drinks for the winner.

*Commissioned by Sunset_Shimmer83*

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Growing Fire In My Heart

It's been twenty years since Ember and Spike have gotten together as a couple and much has change. Not only have The Dragon Lands prospered, but they, and other nations, have come together to form the Alliance of Harmony. United by friendship, it seems a golden age of peace have come to the world as their tenth anniversary approaches. Spike believes it is a good time to finally propose marriage to Ember, having decided to take her as his life mate.

However, the shadows of the past have returned as Tyranus Redskull, the last of the clan that sought to usurp Ember, has been gathering strength and an army of exiled dragon clans for the last twenty years for revenge. He seeks now the legendary blade of the First Dragon Emperor, Imperiax , and use its near divine like power to unite the dragons under his rule and restore the Ancient Dragon Empire with war and blood. To do this, he must travel to the unknown lands of the west that none have returned from.

Spike, Ember, and others are forced to travel there to stop him for the sword is so powerful it could bring every creature to its knees. Can Spike and Ember find the strength to stop Tyranus? Will their love be a weakness or a strength in the end? Will the peaceful world where all creatures are united survive or will the flames of war burn it to ashes?

Please Help Out At the TV Tropes Page

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Journey to the First Flame

Fluttershy and Smolder's journey hasn't been off to an easy start, especially after they fell off the beaten path. Now, the professor and her pupil find themselves stuck in the middle of a civil war between two Diamond Dog clans whose shared history might not be what it seems. But even if they manage to escape the escalating conflict with their lives, they will surely have to confront many more dangers if they wish to see Smolder through her Dragon Lord-ordained task: rekindling the fires of the legendary First Flame.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story is a continuation of Darth Link 22's fanfic Journey to the First Flame that I was helping with. Sadly, DarthLink22 passed away before he could complete his story and I am here to post his remaining chapters that he finished but never published and finish the story's remaining parts myself. This is in his honor.

Thanks to TheAncientPolitzanian for editing.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Words of Advice from the many worlds of Twilight

Princess Luna had heard of Twilight's experiences in meeting other versions of her in various dimensions, but one of those experiences has utterly broken her older sister to the point that she shuts herself out from the world. Determined to help her sister, Luna goes to Celestia to learn what has happened. Princess Celestia, in turn, tells Luna of a world where another version of her brought nothing but death and suffering to not just their own people, but to so many others in an attempt to convert an entire world.

*A sequel to a chapter in Joe Toon's story Words of Advice from the many worlds of Twilight which I recommend reading. This is canon with the NegotationsVerse btw.*

Chapters (1)

Remembering how she was able to see the past with the potion that Zecora made for her during the vine incident, Twilight decides to make her own to try it out again while also experimenting to see if she can make potions see into the present and future as well.

The results were...interesting.

Commission for Grand_Moff_Pony

Chapters (1)

The Great and Powerful Trixie has been a traveling showmare for most of her life, but for the past few years has taken a part-time job as guidance councilor at the School of Friendship. Surprisingly, she's not only good at it but has come to enjoy it with the students liking her as a result. Because of her success, Headmare Starlight Glimmer has asked Trixie to work full time, but this would mean giving up her traveling lifestyle. After some thought, she agrees, but decides to do one final show before hanging up the cape and hat for good.

*Commissioned by SuperSonicHeroes*

Chapters (1)

The Kingdom of The Otters has opened its doors to the outside world upon hearing that the Storm King is gone and there is a new Princess in Equestria. Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are invited to meet with the Otter Queen and establish friendly relationships with her in order to welcome her people to the world again. Meanwhile, Spike and Scootaloo accompany them to check out the water park like city the otters live in while meeting a new friend name Daisy who asks for their help in escaping some otters after her. Together, the three explore the city and have fun.

***Commissioned by The wandering commenter***

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Chapters (1)

It's the big wedding between Princess Twilight Sparkle and future Prince Flash Sentry, and everyone in Equestria is excited. Captain Flash Magnus of the Royal Guard is very happy to see his decedent marrying the girl of his dreams, but he cannot wish that he was in his place. Long ago, Flash Magnus had fallen in love with Somnambula, but discovered she loved another and kept his feelings a secret. With the wedding almost here, Magnus wonders if there is a second chance for them and soon finds out his answer upon meeing Somnambula the evening before the wedding.

*Commissioned by anonymous*

Want to commission a one shot? Click here

Image I found on Pintrest

Chapters (1)