• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2021
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Joe Toon

Administrator of a Pocket Universe that monitors other worlds. You can offer your support here in Ko-fi. Your contribution is most appreciated.

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  • 15 weeks
    In case I am no longer here.

    Dear friends and readers,

    When the time comes and when you come back to this blog, do not fear for me. Rejoice and be glad that I have returned to my Father's house. However, I pray for those who remain will be comforted for the tribulations ahead, that they may seek comfort in the darkest of days. If this site has taught me anything, it is that friendship surpasses all boundaries. So therefore, as a friend I am obligated to leave a message in case I am no longer active in this site.

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    10 comments · 324 views
  • 26 weeks
    Status: Still working on it

    As many of you have been aware, I have not updated this fic in a while but rest assured it has not been abandoned. If anything Words of Advice from the Many Worlds of Twilight has been on my top priority as of this year to finally conclude it and make way for its sequel. So far however, I've been struggling with draft after draft to present it as perfectly as I could possibly manage. For that I apologize for the long delay for the next chapter.

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    2 comments · 140 views
  • 32 weeks
    A Sword in Equestria: Updated

    The new chapter is out as promised.

    TA Sword In Equestria
    In his service to his world and duty, Keldeo, one of the Swords of Justice, performed the ultimate sacrifice to save all he loved dearly. Luckily, it was not to be the end of his tale.
    Joe Toon · 44k words  ·  190  7 · 4.7k views
    0 comments · 133 views
  • 32 weeks
    Next chapter is almost ready

    A Sword in Equestria's next chapter is almost done and should be out before the end of next week. Stay tuned.

    0 comments · 128 views
  • 35 weeks
    If you think you can't do good, know that this idiot was chosen to lead

    Simon Peter; literate, imbecilic, nontraditional (in regards to the practice of the Sabbath), common fisherman. And yet one man known to be the greatest of all chose him to lead his disciples, his church, his legacy.
    If a poor idiot fisherman such as Peter can achieve such things, how much more can you achieve through God's commission?

    1 comments · 100 views

In case I am no longer here. · 4:06am April 7th

Dear friends and readers,

When the time comes and when you come back to this blog, do not fear for me. Rejoice and be glad that I have returned to my Father's house. However, I pray for those who remain will be comforted for the tribulations ahead, that they may seek comfort in the darkest of days. If this site has taught me anything, it is that friendship surpasses all boundaries. So therefore, as a friend I am obligated to leave a message in case I am no longer active in this site.

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Comments ( 102 )
  • Viewing 98 - 102 of 102

Oooooohh. I can’t wait for it! I hope I can also be an extra editor to aid both you and Rate Ponystar one day with the Sword of Equestria chapters.

I'm currently working on it actually. Also do note that Sword in Equestria was not my concept/idea. Rated Ponystar actually came up with the whole story, I just filled in the blanks and wrote it.

Oh thank goodness. I’m glad you’re doing better. (P.S. if you need help with either editing or coming up with ideas for one of your stories (especially Sword of Equestria) I will happily aid you with your fanfic.)

Been out of commission due to a fever but recovering quickly now.
Thank you for asking.

Edit: Also a quick update; I'm drafting new chapters for all my stories not in haitus or cancelled.

How are you doing Joe? I hope you are ok. :fluttershysad:

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