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subbed to your YT channel. Also, when I'm finished with my story will you please read it? I would love to see my story getting seen by thousands of people. And also hear you say my name. It would be like "601 Corn Neck Road, by *inhale* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Yes, very funny.
write a story. it will be good because you read stories all the time and you should draw inspiration from them
Hi :)
Ayy hello there! Thank you kindly and especially thank you VERY much for writing your fic in the first place! Without you authors, we all wouldn't be able to enjoy that little extra something!
Woke up and saw a comment of you doing a reading of one of my stories. I can't thank you enough it really made my day and I can't wait to hear it. Already started listening to a few you've made and so far I've enjoyed it. Keep up the great work.