• Member Since 20th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen 43 minutes ago

tv-movie-book fan

Blog Posts

  • 29 weeks
    DEATH TO 2023!!!

    Hear Me and Rejoice!!!

    For in less than one hour (Mountain Standard Time), the dumpster fire that was 2023 will finally be over!
    May this new year bring everyone good fortune.


    I wonder how long I can keep these yearly updates going.

    0 comments · 37 views
  • 81 weeks
    DEATH TO 2022!!!

    Hear Me and Rejoice!!!

    For in less than one hour (Mountain Standard Time), the dumpster fire that was 2022 will finally be over!
    May this new year bring everyone good fortune.


    DIE 2022 DIE

    1 comments · 94 views
  • 133 weeks
    DEATH TO 2021!!!

    Hear Me and Rejoice!!!

    For in less than one hour (Mountain Standard Time), the dumpster fire that was 2021 will finally be over!
    May this new year bring everyone good fortune.


    Hopefully this new year will be better than the last two.

    0 comments · 81 views
  • 186 weeks
    DEATH TO 2020!!!

    Hear Me and Rejoice!!!

    For in less than one hour (Mountain Standard Time), the dumpster fire that was 2020 will finally be over!
    May this new year bring everyone good fortune.



    0 comments · 123 views
  • 207 weeks
    Finally finished MLP

    I finally finished the last season of MLP!
    I saw 8 seasons of the show on Netflix and watched the movie years ago, then spent forever waiting for Netflix to put the final season on. And then I realized that the final season was on Hulu and saw it in like 2 days and DEFINITELY DID NOT cry during the final episode. *cough*
    Anyway I finished the show yesterday.

    Read More

    1 comments · 152 views

DEATH TO 2023!!! · 6:11am January 1st

Hear Me and Rejoice!!!

For in less than one hour (Mountain Standard Time), the dumpster fire that was 2023 will finally be over!
May this new year bring everyone good fortune.


I wonder how long I can keep these yearly updates going.

Report tv-movie-book fan · 37 views ·
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