• Member Since 17th May, 2012
  • offline last seen March 16th



Now with less updates than a Superman 64 LP and an 2005 Flash Cartoon... · 8:58pm Jan 5th, 2016

About freaking time I finished what I started.

Report NintenES · 404 views · Story: Bloody Tears ·

Stuff I wrote

Comments ( 13 )
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Thank you for adding Baby Pictures to your favorites! Feedback is always appreciated!

Dear NintenES,

Thank you for playing a game of Chess with me. I'm glad we both had fun, no matter who the winner was, and I hope that we can sit down for another game sometime soon.

~ KR

(Thanks for the fave!)

Bloody tears is the best story I have read so far can't wait for the next chapters when persay May that be and keep up the amazing work

Thanks for the fav!

Thank you for faving 'An Elusive Heart' :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

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