• Member Since 29th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 7th, 2018

Ponydora Prancypants

okay now kiss!

Princess Coronation

I admit most official Hasbro/Hub images and vectors are pretty bad, but I have to say that I love everyone's expression in this, especially Twilight:

Who's a princess? This pony. Yeah, that's right.


Om Nom Nom Nom (New Story Here!) · 12:31am Feb 21st, 2015

Hi everyone! If you're interested, check out a new, silly story I wrote, called:

Giant Enemy Carb

Because neither a candyfloss mane nor a candybutt are required to enjoy the sweeter things in life.

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Comments ( 156 )
  • Viewing 152 - 156 of 156

Hope you're doing well, wherever life's taken you.

Comment posted by MilesLancer deleted April 16th

Just reread Que Sera Sera. Such a beautiful story, you truly have a gift. I hope wherever you are, you still have the opportunity to use it.

We deeply miss your work and i would so very much like to see "The Abyssal Forge" and the remaining sequel after that completed :raritystarry:

I am dying for you to come back from the fanfic grave! I would be very happy if you were to finish some of the rarijack stories you have been writing

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Pony Cocktail Recipe

The Lulamoon
2 oz Anchor Junipero (or your preferred) gin
3/4 oz Hpnotiq
3/4 oz Cointreau (or triple sec)
juice of half a lemon
garnish with a twist

It's great (and powerful)!