• Member Since 12th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 30th, 2015


I like to read? Also I think I may start trying to write soon! I'll see how it goes :D


Am I back? · 5:50am Dec 6th, 2014

I might be back, I might be doing things again. Who knows?

Report Mcyav · 327 views ·

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Comments ( 70 )
  • Viewing 66 - 70 of 70

120364 Gasp! By the gods! Mcyav, how could you allow such travesty to take place?

119789 No. A mysterious man stole my very identity. This mysterious man, happens to be me.


Do you have skype?!?

74714 Thank you!

59313 It's fair enough, I've taken to long on this.

  • Viewing 66 - 70 of 70
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