Whatever it is, I didn't do it · 4:39am Sep 10th, 2013
Howdy! J8ck78 here. For the couple hundred reading "Her Starry Sky" and enjoying it, I have two things to say:
Thank you
I'm sorry for the lack of updates
For those that don't know(Which is many) I currently and proudly serve in the US Military (If you don't like it, more power to you, I'm a enlisted grunt. They don't have a say) anyway with that comes a load of roadblocks and other stuff that's slowing me down.
Hope to you see back soon.
still alive! just very busy
You still alive mate?
Happy Turkeyday
682439 Well thank you. I'll think on it, but honestly with the way allot of people react to stories even like mine who knows what will happen?