• Member Since 30th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 22nd, 2014

Hazel Hooves


Reason for the quietness · 8:40pm Aug 4th, 2013

Hey everyone, i noticed I got a load of new watchers thanks to Britannia's appearance in Know your Mare by Overlord-Flinx

Just explaining why my stories haven't advanced much.

Britty hasn't been on hiatus for nothing. I've been writing and drawing the Ask Britannia Tumblr on behalf of BUCK the UK Brony convention

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Comments ( 15 )
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My thanks for the fave and the comment on my story!


Well it's the one story. And I think it is in the 'I just want a comment' group

I can sympathise as my 'to-read' list seems to get longer everyday. So much talent on this site

Are those in the I Just Want A Comment group folder? I can put them in my read list if they're not there already, though. Just be aware my read list is pathetic and way too long for its needs...
Oh, I'll definitely get to reading Holy Hoof Grenade for title alone.


Sorry, no. Just uploaded and submitted and after the necessary time had been taken, up it was. No real fuss aside from editing out some formatting errors in the translation from gdoc.

I hope you can get your work up but, not having dealt with this kind of issue or knowing if you're doing anything wrong, makes it difficult to advise. Hopefully gdocs will work

I just tried that and it still didn't seem to do anything. And I thought EqD was a frustrating system!
I'm going to try deleting it and reuploading it as a googleDoc from the get-go. If this doesn't work, do you know how I can get a hold of a mod or something?

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