• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen July 6th

Crazy the Clone

Born from blasphemy, raised in unconsciousness, finding joy in false, untypical sclerosis and ruptured aneurisms, feasting on voids and blue machines. I am Crazy, but I am his clone. Huhuhahaha...

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BLOG NOOB: New Chapters, Seasonal Endings, and Nightmare Night/Halloween!!!! · 9:18pm Oct 23rd, 2016

...What? That picture doesn't scare you? Good. It's not meant to be scary.

Anyway, hello, everyone that might look at this! I just wanted to wish a happy Halloween for everyone! If you don't celebrate Halloween, or just don't like it, then not to worry! As long as you enjoy yourself, then I wish you fun times!

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Comments ( 16 )
  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16

I like your one story on here.

Thank you for adding The Return of Sunset to your favorites! Please, let me know what you thought, and have a great day! :twilightsmile:

I'm surprised you added my story to your favorites. Thank you, nevertheless

Thanks for the fav!

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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