EQG Pinkie Pie 124 members · 262 stories

Hi there! EQG Pinkie is all about the Pinkie Pie from Equestria Girls! If your story has Equestria Girls Pinkie is in your story, it's accepted!

Pony Pinkie Pie can be in the story too, as long as EQG Pinkie is in the same story at some point!

You can post as many stories as you want, as well as in multiple folders, as long as it's in the right one!

Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 1 - 8 of 8

I did not know this group was here, awesome idea.

405054 Thanks, always fun and enjoyable with helpful people and Ponies.
Oh, and I did find the story in question.
With that said, I posted a few stories to the group, for all to enjoy as they please.

Since it was said that it isn't a problem with the other Pinkie Pie entering the scene, there is just such a story among the new submissions too.

405051 Glad to help...feel free to post anything you would like :twilightsmile:

405048 Thanks.
I guess you had to have a folder for these stories.
The folder would need a name that is more fun then just straight up, right?

On that note, I am sure to have a story for this folder as well.

I just posted a story based upon the events in the Rainbow Rocks film.
Mainly because Aria Blaze is in the set, but Vinyl and Bulk is also featured.
403034 Just curious, exactly what does the third folder mean?

403033 Oh yeah, yes they can. I'll fix that :twilightblush:

Quick question: I've only placed my stories in one folder each. Can they go in multiple folders? You might want to clarify.

  • Viewing 1 - 8 of 8