• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Aug 21st, 2018

Knight Light

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New Plans · 4:53pm May 31st, 2018

Sorry, I haven't been doing so good the last week or so. I was going to try and get another chapter for a Midwinters Dream up this weekend but probably won't be able to. I'm not too sure if I plan on continuing it now anyways since it seems to be a pretty big flop I'm guessing. I may just wait until later in June or early July so more help will be here and I will have more of a bumper to be able to write easier.

Report Knight Light · 383 views ·
Comments ( 31 )
  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31

Any updates on You Will Never Be Alone Again

I just finished reading The Sun and the Shy. The completed one. While not among my all-time favorite Sunset/Fluttershy stories, I'm always down for some M.L.P.S. Sunshyne staring Tsunderset and Cuddleshy, and I'd be willing to read it again if I got the itch.

Though it's sad that we may never get to see what all was planned, I'm appreciative of what we did get. It's a bit rough around the edges and could use some grammar work, but in-all I'd say that you've earned a follow.

I look forward to more from you, and I hope you get to a better place in terms of your heart problems.

Who is the girl in your avatar?

Thanks, I do love watching Youtube videos that's funny, like cat ones when I have extra time on the internet computer. And most of my problems is coming from stress which while sucks I am having them, the good side is a chunk of the things that stressed me out was cut out which I am thankful for.

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