Sunset and Principal Celestia 251 members · 48 stories

This group is dedicated to stories featuring Principal Celestia caring care of Sunset Shimmer, either as her legal guardian or as Sunset's adopted mother.

Comments ( 5 )
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A magical Truth is good, but what about, "Of Unicorns and Witchcraft?"

Hi Everypony,
For those of you don't know, I'll be writing the first chapter of my first Fimfic in the next month. Now, I have the base of the fimfic, which is, "If Sunset Shimmer was the Girl-Who-lived". However, I'm having trouble deciding on a name. Here are the three ideas I have come up with:
A Magical Truth
A Truly Magical World
The Pony-Girl-Who-Lived
Let me know which one you think sounds good. Or if you can come up with a better name, let me know

I love this group:twilightsmile:

we lurk in the shadows until it becomes canon, then, we shall take the world by storm.

How did i NOT know this group exsited!? My favorite type of EG fan fiction AND my story was added to it? How the heck did i NOT know??!!!!

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