• Member Since 15th Jun, 2023
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


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  • 23 weeks

    Hi everyon! To keep up my end of it, I will not be able to get chapter 2 out by the end of the month, uni work is a nightmare, so I am aiming for mid-may, but I have labelled it as on Haiatus until I am able to get back to it later after my dissertation and project are done. They're all due within a couple weeks of each other so it is a nightmare to do anything else.

    0 comments · 49 views
  • 30 weeks
    Next Chapter

    Hii everyone! This is a small blog post (as I still don't know how to use them) but my studies are getting to their end for uni so there is a massive workload lately. I should get the next chapter out in april, but it might be may.

    3 comments · 76 views
  • 49 weeks
    About Intrusive Thoughts (the story)

    I have loved hearing the feedback from everyone over the past few days on it and I think I am going to plan out a few chapters to build off of it. It might not be a long book, but an expansion on my ideas could be cool to see!

    0 comments · 76 views
  • 55 weeks

    Hi everyone! I am very very new here and just wanted to introduce myself! I go by the alias SaishoVibes like everywhere, but just call me Sai (pronounced like the word "sigh"). I am in uni so I can't do too much story posting no matter how much I want to. My pronouns are they/them/she but they might change day in and day out as I am genderfluid. My icon was made by my partner for me and I adore it!!! Anyways, I'd love to get involved more here so if I make a story I'd love some feedback

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Update · 10:44pm April 25th

Hi everyon! To keep up my end of it, I will not be able to get chapter 2 out by the end of the month, uni work is a nightmare, so I am aiming for mid-may, but I have labelled it as on Haiatus until I am able to get back to it later after my dissertation and project are done. They're all due within a couple weeks of each other so it is a nightmare to do anything else.

Report SaishoVibes · 49 views · Story: Intrusive Thoughts ·
Comments ( 23 )
  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23

Thanks for favouriting Sunset’s Trial.

Thanks for faving Six Nights (and a Day) With Sunset! I hope that you enjoy more of my works!

Thank you for adding A Sunset's Butterfly to your favorites!

Thank you for adding YWNbA to your favourites :twilightsmile:

It was a nice read!

  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23
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