First Joke of 2025 · 3:50pm January 1st
The New Year Celebration in New York is always a let down. They always let the ball drop.
Son of a good man, child of an angel, & brother of a Wild One! ‘Nuff said. If you need an editor, I’d be happy to help you out.
The New Year Celebration in New York is always a let down. They always let the ball drop.
A song that I can’t get enough of, “for the record”.
Being a writer is enjoyable, but editing is more “rewording”.
The New Year Celebration in New York is always a let down. They always let the ball drop.
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It's cool bro. I understand. Just know, it's your turn for a quote
Hey, Wrex. I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you, tonight, like I promised. My family was having a movie night, and I was joining them. I’m sorry that I let you down. 😔