• Member Since 21st Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


I'm a go playing brony who reads and writes fan fiction works. That's about all you need to know.

Notes on Story Projects

Seeing the Light - Yes, I am still working on it. Life things have been getting in the way of the next update. If I'm being realistic, the story will probably get completed early 2024 - but hopefully I can get a chapter or two out by the end of the year.
The Phone Competition - I poke at this from time for time still, but I have no solid release schedule for it.
Friendship for a Fee - A multi-chapter project I mentioned in my first blog post. Maybe I'll release something from it?
Cleansed of Darkness Sequel - 70% sure it will happen. I've got about 20% written including most of a side-story.

Most Recent Stories

Comments ( 44 )
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I'm glad you enjoyed my new story! You know, if you use Discord I'd love to chat some time! My name there is luckyseven if so :)

Well for a long time honestly the case was that I was going through a rough time in my life, and I found it really hard to do the things I enjoyed. I also got embroiled in some drama within the fandom and dipped for a while due to it.

But now I'm back in my hometown, and my girlfriend told me that she wants me to be myself. So I've been writing more, and I actually have some stories coming out soon! I updated my most popular one as well just yesterday, and I'll be doing so again here soon.

I do remember that! You're very welcome. That was a fun project for me. I'm glad that it meant something to you. I know that your story Lost in the Static was the catalyst, but I don't exactly remember why it prompted me to read the rest of your Starlight stories - I've never done something like that with any other author here, before nor since.

Life has been good in the last 7 years. There were a lot of hardships along the way, but I like where I am now, even if it doesn't leave me as much time for writing here.

It looks like you aren't writing much here these days either. I hope that it's for good reasons as well; that life has brought with it things you highly value, and that you have so many wonderful things that you want to do that writing horse stories can't quite make the cut.

Hey there. Not sure if you remember me, but I wanted to thank you for your reviews on all of my Starlight stories back in the day around 2017! It meant a lot to me to :)

I hope life's been treating you well!

Thank you so much for your interest in my story, Ladybugs Awake!

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