• Member Since 1st Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


Digidestined of Trust, Silver Megaligo Power Ranger, Servant of Jesus, Timothy Megalicorn OC (Male version of an alicorn), AVATAR of this Earth and of Equestria


Everypony okay? Did We Find Our Way Back? · 6:05am Mar 1st, 2014

On isitdownrightnow.com, PureLogic Isbestpony posted this

"Eight hours ago the fandom collapsed. I haven't left the comfort and safety -not to mention cookies- of my refrigerator/home since. I know not what it is like out there, but I can only guess that it is a wasteland. Bronies overthrowing the government, raiding the interweb, stealing cookies, threatening knighty... It's a hellhole out there. I'm safer here... in my refrigerator with my cookies.

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Report silverMEGAlicorn · 393 views ·

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Everypony okay? Did We Find Our Way Back? · 6:05am Mar 1st, 2014

On isitdownrightnow.com, PureLogic Isbestpony posted this

"Eight hours ago the fandom collapsed. I haven't left the comfort and safety -not to mention cookies- of my refrigerator/home since. I know not what it is like out there, but I can only guess that it is a wasteland. Bronies overthrowing the government, raiding the interweb, stealing cookies, threatening knighty... It's a hellhole out there. I'm safer here... in my refrigerator with my cookies.

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Report silverMEGAlicorn · 393 views ·

Everypony okay? Did We Find Our Way Back? · 6:05am Mar 1st, 2014

On isitdownrightnow.com, PureLogic Isbestpony posted this

"Eight hours ago the fandom collapsed. I haven't left the comfort and safety -not to mention cookies- of my refrigerator/home since. I know not what it is like out there, but I can only guess that it is a wasteland. Bronies overthrowing the government, raiding the interweb, stealing cookies, threatening knighty... It's a hellhole out there. I'm safer here... in my refrigerator with my cookies.

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Report silverMEGAlicorn · 393 views ·