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Audio Reading of The Unfortunate Aftermath of Nurse Redheart · 3:49am Oct 18th, 2016

I was recently approached by TheDizzyDan about the creation of an audio reading for The Unfortunate Aftermath of Nurse Redheart. Well, the reading is now done, and can be found on YouTube here! It really is quite good, and very similar to how I heard the characters when I wrote the story itself. Go ahead and give it a listen!

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https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1017935/new-start Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.

O-game. I remember that.

Building up an awesome empire, a sizable fleet with a good variety of ships while saving up for a Death Star...

And then getting completely shafted by some prick you've never even met who just crams 20K Light Fighters down your throat, and then rage quitting and never logging in again.

Good times.

2168965 Part of what made it bearable for me was that we got to act out parts of it in class for mandatory reading. I got to be Claudius for the final scene, and getting stabbed was pretty fun.

2168962 Yeah, Hamlet is my favourite, too.

I think most people repress taking Shakespeare in school on the grounds of "ew mandatory school reading", which is a shame cause he's really entertaining if you go into his stuff with a positive mindset :twilightsmile:

2168953 You're welcome, and thanks for getting the reference! A surprising amount of people don't, which makes me kind of sad. And IT's a little sad that that play isn't actually my favorite, since I prefer Hamlet.

...and let slip the dogs of war!

Thanks for the follow, yo.

Thanks for adding The Ultimatest Evil to your list of stories!

It was quite a surprise for me today to log in and find that I had a big group of new Followers out of nowhere. I say this a lot, but I mean it every time: I really, really appreciate you investing your time in me. I'll do my best to make sure that I deserve your Watch going forward. I appreciate it a bunch!:twilightsheepish:

wow, i see you have took a liking to my story my friend, many thanks for that comrade!

Thanks for the follow and fav!

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