• Member Since 8th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 1st, 2022



To those of you within the sound of my voice: · 6:01am Jul 8th, 2017

After a long Hiatus, the next chapter of I Will Be Your Daddy, Chapter 7, will be released on Saturday evening, July 8th. As my followers, you are receiving this announcement in advance, and because it has been so long I suggest going back and rereading previous chapters as a refresher. Hope you're excited :pinkiehappy:

Report DoctorDizzy · 609 views · Story: I Will Be Your Daddy ·
Comments ( 59 )
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i Second this!... i mean fourth... these..... yeah...

Doctor? im sick... sick of WAITING! NAH JK
but seriously are you ok? lost motivation? lost your notes? Lost your Dog? Lost you mind?...been lookin for mine for awhile now... Lost your time? Lost your Money? lost your found? found ruoy Lost? Found your GOD?!

Your fic sounds good, but why is it been so long since an update? Is it on Hiatus?

Doctor, Doctor, Doctor... my friend it's been too long...


I've waited so long my friend.... The chapter 10 I've waited for for such a long time is still not here. It makes me want to cry. Please friend tell me it's nearly finished. Or at least a estimated time when it will be finished. I beg of you!

Hey you still here dude? If not thats ok but if you are i hope you finish your story some day its really good

If you don't finish "I will be your daddy" I swear to Celestia I will come to your door and force you to finish it!:flutterrage:

  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59
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To those of you within the sound of my voice: · 6:01am Jul 8th, 2017

After a long Hiatus, the next chapter of I Will Be Your Daddy, Chapter 7, will be released on Saturday evening, July 8th. As my followers, you are receiving this announcement in advance, and because it has been so long I suggest going back and rereading previous chapters as a refresher. Hope you're excited :pinkiehappy:

Report DoctorDizzy · 609 views · Story: I Will Be Your Daddy ·