• Member Since 18th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Lord Of Dorkness

Deep into that dorkness peering...

My contact things.

Feel free to throw me a line/friends request/change via the following links, if you wish.




New offical game incoming! · 7:02pm March 17th

My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery.

Another studio this time, but seems like the same engine and stuff due to being the same publisher?

Honestly looks promising. Baby's First Platformer 2.0, but still, did genuinely enjoy my time with the first game.

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Latest Stories

Current Status — 2020/04/08

Note: Currently recovering from nearly a year with an infected tooth. Recovering well, but writing is going SLOW~ at present. Thank you for your patience, everybody.

All other stories on temporary hold until the end of Dark Horse.

Next chapter #09: 'My Power Is Not Complete' — ~85-90% Done — 11490 Words.

#10 — Kalisti — 10%.
#11 — Pure Air and Fire — 10%.
#12 — The Ugly A-Mare-I-Can't — 15%.
#13 — Dangerous At Both Ends, And Uncomfortable In The Middle — 10%.
#14 — Dark Horse — 10%

My Life As My Ironically Bad OC
Chapter 3 — 80-90% Done — 9917 Words

One Pony's Curse, Is Another Man's Blessing...
Part 3 of :ajsmug: intro — 5-10% Done — 0 Words; still planning it out.

Sufficiently Advanced
Chapter 5 — 10-15% Done — 2375 Words.

Horse Feathers - A tale from the Humans Acting Villainous verse
Chapter 7 — 90% Done — 21619 Words - Note, currently stuck thanks to writer's block.

Comments ( 343 )
  • Viewing 339 - 343 of 343

https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1017935/new-start Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.

Waaaaiiiiit a minute... Didn't you have a Fivescore story about Trixie being reincarnated? What happened to that?

Nevermind, I had to log in a while back and forgot to turn 'mature' back on. I'm an idiot.

I'm still (sorta) here. Leaving college for a job has been an utter slog and I quite understand now when you say it's been hard to work on your stories. But please don't give up and forget about them, even though Gen 4 ended. I still desperately want to read the next chapters if you ever get the chance to write them.

  • Viewing 339 - 343 of 343
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