• Member Since 28th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Von Snootingham

The Chief Defender of International War Crimes at the World Court in The Hague. He also trains egrets & flies an ornithopter. He currently lives in a van down by the river & is personally unpleasant.

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Anyone at Trotcon? · 12:04am Jul 22nd, 2018

I am. Let me know and I can say hi.

Also, I've been prepping some chapters of Good Griff to bomb (Steven Unoverse style) and if anyone were interested in editing (I haven't heard from my previous editor, PingSquirrel in a forever) let me know.

Report Von Snootingham · 300 views ·

Avatar by Spooklies

A million special thank yous to Spooklies for my avatar. He's completely unrelated to Ponydom, so don't bother him with that. I just happen to be a mod on a Twitch stream that he watches and we talk in the streams and he just drew this for me out of nowhere. I was so excited and I'm eternally greatful. Thanks, man!

Comments ( 57 )
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I thought you were following me too. :derpytongue2:

Yes, I do plan to come to Trotcon again this year. Probably see if I can get on RobCakeran's panel again, too, and answer questions for the audience. I think that's on a Friday.

Also, this year I'm getting my own room. I had to share a bed with Bad Horse.


Hey, no prob. I'm actually surprised I wasn't following already. I'd been reading the journal for eight months, you'd think I'd have been keeping tabs on you. On an unrealted topic, were you thinking of coming to Trotcon again this year? I'd love to say hi.

Thanks for the follow!

Thanks for adding Double Vision to your library :heart:
Next updates on sunday

Thank you for showing interest in 'My Only Sunshine'! I'd love to see a comment from you with your thoughts once you've finished!

Hi Von how's it going!!! Is Real Life treating you well?

I'm sorry to hear that your situation isn't better.

2162649 They are certainly existent. But that's about it.

Why howdy there. Just thought I'd come along and ask how things are and stuff.

2107653 No, that's alright. I think I'm good.

Wasn't really a trolling. I'm just not prepared atm to offer discourse. Perhaps over a Skype conversation.

2107555 Well I'm just going to assume this was a trolling and delete these comments then.

Comment posted by Luna Aeterna Solutae deleted Jan 19th, 2016
Comment posted by Von Snootingham deleted Jan 19th, 2016
Comment posted by Luna Aeterna Solutae deleted Jan 19th, 2016
Comment posted by Von Snootingham deleted Jan 19th, 2016
Comment posted by Luna Aeterna Solutae deleted Jan 19th, 2016
Comment posted by Von Snootingham deleted Jan 19th, 2016
Comment posted by Luna Aeterna Solutae deleted Jan 19th, 2016
  • Viewing 38 - 57 of 57
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